The Lakewood Township Zoning Board of Adjustment is set tonight to consider Application ZB #4292 for a 4-story office building at 685 River Avenue, the current site of Bais Shaindel which was sold to Congregation Lutzk.
The application requires Use Variance relief as office buildings are not permitted in the R-10 zone.
The application further seeks a height variance to permit for a 64 feet high building where the maximum allowed in the R-10 zone is 35 feet.
The applicant is also seeking to completely reconfigure and reconstruct the parking lot in the front and rear of the educational facility as well as parking for the new office structure. Reconfiguration of the entry and exit driveways to the tract is also proposed.
The proposed parking in the front yard will be less than 65 feet from the center line of Route 9. If the Board approves this application, the state will not have the Desirable Typical Section which they require to sufficiently widen Route 9.
The parking lot proposes 263 spaces. Curiously, their traffic study confidently assures the Board that peak traffic generation from the office building will be only 50 cars.
Finally, the application seeks a minimum side yard setback variance.
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This is beyond crazy!! The developer is really working hard to screw the residents out of ever being able to get proper infrastructure. His greed is just incredible. I spoke to someone at the State and he couldn’t believe the hypocrisy of the committee and their appointed zoning board members, where from one side of their mouths they scream about how badly we need to widen Route 9, but then from the other side of their mouths they do everything they can to sabotage that possibility from ever happening.
Please tell me why we would ever vote for bums that keep making matters worse for us?!
"Please tell me why we would ever vote for bums that keep making matters worse for us?!"
Good question...
The bottom line is lakewood just voted for the same swamp creatures a couple weeks ago...
But it is a very good question...
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