Breslov Shul this week obtained initial approval from Lakewood Township's Planning Board for a future shul building on County Line Road near Somerset Avenue.

Breslov currently has a minyan in the adjacent child care center building.

The application approved this week by the Planning Board was to subdivide and realign lot lines to pave the way for a future Site Plan application for the shul.

The application required numerous variances.

After the realignment, the total lot area of the future shul lot is 10,914.10 sq feet. In the R-12 zone, the minimum lot area is 12,000 sq feet.

After the realignment, the total lot width is 70.28 feet where 90 feet is required; the front setback is 20.76 feet where 30 feet is required; the side setback is 2.67 feet where 10 feet is required; the aggregate setback is 6.32 feet where 25 feet is required.

Curb and sidewalk exist along the project’s East County Line Road and Cabinfield Circle frontages. Utilities are available nearby. Colonial street lighting exists.

In accordance with the County Master Plan, the application required a right-of-way dedication to Ocean County to bring the half right-of-way width to 43 feet.

The Board did not grant any parking variance as that will be addressed during Site Plan review.

No members of the public opposed the application. 

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