Lakewood's Board of Education tonight awarded federally funding grants to several local non-public schools to use for their Lag Ba'omer and end of year trips.

These grants were awarded using Title IV funds. Title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) are federal student aid funds from federal student aid programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education to support a well-rounded education, safe and healthy students, and technology; after-school instruction and care; charter schools; magnet schools; family engagement in education; and various national activities.

Funds are distributed by formula to States. States then run a competitive subgrant program to distribute the funds to the local level.

According to public records obtained by FAA News, for Fiscal Year '22, the Lakewood School District was awarded $1,071,643 in Elementary and Secondary Education Act allocation from the New Jersey Department of Education.

Of these funds, the Board of Education tonight awarded the following:

Bnos Orchos Chaim, $1,080 for bumper boats and go-karts at Adventure Sports

Bnos Orchos Chaim, $624.15 for a guided Amish house and school tour at The Amish Experience

Bnos Orchos Chaim, $416 for an open village field trip at Historic Richmond Town

Bnot Yisrael, $288 for a farm tour at Kreider Farms

Bnot Yisrael, $1,400 for bumper boats and go-karts at Adventure Sports

Kesser Bais Yaakov, $392 for a trip to the Franklin Institute

Kesser Bais Yaakov, $432 for a trip for the 6th grade to the Fernbrook Farms

Tiferes Bais Yaakov, $792 for a farm tour at Kreider Farms

Tiferes Bais Yaakov, $792 for a guided tour of the Amish on an Amish carriage to Aaron and Jessica’s Buggy Rides

Also tonight, the Board awarded a grant of $10,896 in Title IV funding to Yeshiva Toras Menachem for a Dome Climber which will be purchased from SR Play.

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