The developers of Covington Village are once again challenging the Lakewood Zoning Board's denial of their application to permit construction of non-age restricted congregate housing in their development. This challenge is based primarily on Board Attorney Jerry Dasti not properly explaining Judge Ford's ruling to the Board.

Covington Village, off Locust Street, is bordered by Belz / Locust Grove and another senior living development, Harrogate.

Over 15 years ago, the development was originally approved as 12 buildings with 30 age-restricted units in each building. Adult congregate community is conditionally permitted in this zoning district.

The developers went bankrupt after building only 7 buildings (210 apartments).

Over the years, many of the existing apartments have been rented out, which led to the Homeowners Associations insurance rates to skyrocket. In response, in August 2014, the homeowners adopted a rule which they filed as a deed restriction, prohibiting any rentals.

Subsequently, in November 2014 a new developer, Cary Tajfel, purchased the project out of bankruptcy. Their analysis of market price sales in several age-restricted developments around Lakewood appeared to show that it is not currently cost effective to build age-restricted housing. They also planned on renting out the apartments instead of selling them to end-users, which was now prohibited due to the homeowners' deed restriction.

In March 2015 the developer sued the existing homeowners over their prohibition against renting out apartments. In June 2018 the developer and homeowners entered into a settlement wherein the new development would be subdivided so the existing homeowners and the new renters would not share an insurance bill. As part of the deal, the developer agreed to construct a new maintenance building for the existing homeowners and build an 8 foot high fence between the two developments. The settlement agreement included a clause that says that the existing homeowners are required to support the Zoning Board application for the subdivision.

There was just one "small catch". The developer snuck into the settlement agreement that "if approved by Lakewood Township, the new development will be non age-restricted." Technically, by requiring the existing homeowners to support his subdivision he was also conning them into supporting his application to lift the age restriction.

On September 19, 2019 the developer presented an application to the Lakewood Zoning Board to build the remaining 5 buildings (150 apartments), with a subdivision to separate the 2 developments, and to lift the age-restriction on the new development.

Many residents of the adjacent Belz communities were opposed to the plan which would have added many families and associated traffic to this already busy area.

The Board denied the application, with some members opining that they disliked any lifting of the age restriction and some members opining that they mainly disliked the plan for so many apartments and not enough parking and lack of recreational open space.

On February 11, 2020 the developer submitted to the Board a new application with a revised plan of 4 buildings with 35 apartments in each, and a 5th lot for recreation.

The ratio of apartments in each building was increased to provide 140 units in the 4 buildings. Additionally, previously requested parking variances were eliminated and new recreational facilities including a bocce court, a putting green, a par course, a dog park, a pavilion building, and a jogging/bike path were proposed.

The site plans proposed to divide the new development from the age-restricted development by eliminating the connection between Cole Lane and Amy Court by constructing a cul-de-sac type turnaround at the end of Cole Lane. A rolling gate is proposed to provide emergency access between the developments. The age-restricted development would receive a controlled access gate for their residents and only their residents would receive cards to access the gate.

This application was heard by the board on June 29, 2020 and September 14, 2020. The Board received over 200 letters of opposition. The application was ultimately withdrawn because the Board had concerns regarding the manner of separation of project entrances and exits and requested additional green space at the project entrance next to the Covington Village Clubhouse.

The developer returned to the Zoning Board in February 2022 with a revised plan that included completely separating the project entrances and exits, which was accomplished by widening the existing driveways and designating one for each development. The plan was also revised to remove parking in the new development adjacent to the clubhouse to add green space. The plans also converted the eliminated building into a recreational area with a courtyard pavilion featuring a putting green, a bocce court and a dog park.

The application sought 3 separate approvals: 1) Minor Subdivision approval to subdivide the new development from the existing development, 2) Site Plan approval for the new development, 3) Conditional Use Variance relief to waive the age restriction.

Ultimately, after multiple hearings on the application, a majority of the Zoning Board members stated that they disagreed with the developers' market analysis and they felt that there still is a strong market in Lakewood for senior housing apartments. Board members also expressed safety concerns as the school aged children would need to walk all the way to Locust Street as buses would not fit in the new development.

The Board took one vote on the application. A motion to approve was offered. That motion failed, ultimately denying the application.

As first reported here on FAA News, back in April 2022, the developer, represented by Red Bank Attorney Matthew Fiorovanti, filed a Complaint in Lieu of Prerogative Writs asking the Ocean County Superior Court to overturn the Zoning Board denial.

The lawsuit claimed that the Board acted unfairly in its proceedings and denial of the application by failing to properly analyze the merits of the application, which is required before a Board can deny an application.

The lawsuit further charged that the Board acted "dismissively" towards the application, and more specifically, Board Chairman Abe Halberstam stated "I don't think anyone has an attention span for this application longer than one hour and we just have to move on the calendar."

The suit noted that the neighboring age-restricted development Harrogate was represented by Attorney Joe Michelini who stated no objection, and only questioned if the trees along the border with Harrogate would be cleared, and was satisfied with the response that those trees would not be cleared as they are protected under a conservation easement.

The suit charged that in response, "the Board, inquired, unsolicited, as to whether Harrogate would be impacted if it wished to expand its property... the fact that the issue was even raised by the Board suggests the Board had pre-determined the application."

The New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law provides (NJSA 40:55D-10(g) that "the municipal agency shall include findings of fact and conclusions based thereon in each decision on any application for development and shall reduce the decision to writing."

The lawsuit additionally asserted that the resolution fails to comply with this Statue as it does not set forth any finding of conclusion of law of any kind to support the denial, it merely states that "Board members offered a motion to approve. The motion failed to receive the 5 votes necessary for a Use Variance, resulting in a denial of the application."

"No findings of any kind are set forth in the Resolution to support the denial or to satisfy a reviewing Court that the Board analyzed Plaintiff's request in accordance with the MLUL and in light of the Township's Master Plan and zoning ordinances. The Resolution does not contain any such conclusion of law for the simple reason that the Board did not engage in any legal analysis... The Resolution is utterly deficient under the applicable law... The Resolution fails to satisfy the minimum requirements under the MLUL and governing case law, and as a result the denial of the Application should be vacated in its entirety," the lawsuit stated.

Additionally, prior to, and during the proceeding, which was held in-person, due to the then-Public Health Emergency the Board permitted members of the public to submit comments on the application via email. The lawsuit charged that the Board violated the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law (NJSA 40:55D-10(d) which requires "the testimony of all witnesses relating to an application for development shall be taken under oath or affirmation by the presiding officer, and the right of cross-examination shall be permitted to all interested parties through their attorneys, if represented, or directly, if not represented, subject to the discretion of the presiding officer and to reasonable limitations as to time and number of witnesses." By accepting public comments via email, the Board eliminated the applicant's right to cross examine those sending in public comments.

Finally, the lawsuit sought to toss out the denial on charges that during the proceeding the Board members violated the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act by passing notes to each other, routinely engaging in private sidebar conversations, and reviewing their respective computer screens throughout the meeting.

As previously reported here on FAA News, in his Trial Brief, Zoning Board Attorney Jerry Dasti fought back regarding the Open Public Meetings Act violations (i.e. whispering, passing notes), writing that "First and foremostly, that is not true. Second, there is absolutely no proof, not even a Certification, to substantiate these false allegations. Third, if in fact anyone objected to the manner in which the Board members conducted themselves, perhaps they should have mentioned it during the approximate 6 hours of public hearings. No one did. Fourth, since the applicant was represented by a different law firm at the two public hearings, the author of Plaintiff's Brief has no direct knowledge to make up and try to legitimate such a false allegation."

As previously reported here on FAA News, at the big trial held in Superior Court, the lack of conclusions of law in the the Board's Resolution of Denial was the hot topic.

Mr. Fiorovanti representing the developer told Judge Ford, "I can't even properly argue that the denial was arbitrary, unreasonable, and capricious because the Resolution is void of any legal basis for the Board to deny our application. At the very least, because their Resolution is lacking, you should remand the matter back to the Board for them to clean up their Resolution. However, if you do only that, after they clean up their Resolution, I'll be back in Court to argue why the denial was indeed arbitrary, unreasonable, and capricious, so I'd rather you simply toss out their denial completely and remand the application back to the Board for an approval."

In response... Mr. Dasti admitted straight up that the Board's resolution was insufficient, and he conceded that the matter could be remanded back to the Board!

Even more interesting, Mr. Dasti attempted to shoot back that prior to the Board adopting the Resolution, the developers' attorney Adam Pfeffer reviewed the Resolution and he should have complained at that time - to the Board - that the Resolution was insufficient.

Mr. Dasti made this same argument regarding a number of Mr. Fiorovanti's other arguments, including regarding his assertions that the Board violated the Open Public Meetings Act by whispering and passing notes, and by accepting comments by email - "they should have put their complaints on the record during the Board meeting."

In her decision, Judge Marlene Ford did not dwell on the allegations of Open Public Meetings Act violations, though she did call the acceptance of public comments by email a "technical violation" as this "denied the applicant his due process to cross examine the witnesses."

Judge Ford noted that the Board's Resolution is "a bit unusual" at it "fails to state why the Board found troublesome about the application and their conclusions of law which ultimately led to their failure to approve the application."

Judge Ford also noted that while the Board did one single vote on the entire application, there were technically two separate applications which were; 1) Conditional Use Variance relief to lift the age-restriction, and 2) Minor Subdivision and Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan with Bulk Variance relief which included a Minimum Accessory Building Side Yard Setback variance of 8.9 feet where 10 feet is required, and a variance for a proposed eight foot vinyl fence, where the ordinance limits fence heights to six feet.

"The bulk variances for the site plan were de-minimus and the Board's denial of them was arbitrary, unreasonable, and capricious as the application did meet the standards of providing the positive and the negative criteria and there will not be any impact to surrounding properties as a result of the granting of those variances. As such, this denial is overturned and remanded back to the Board for an approval."

Regarding the lifting of the age restriction, Judge Ford schooled the Board that they applied the incorrect standard of review. The Board had argued that the applicant should have proven a "hardship" in order to be granted a variance, and because the applicant failed to show a "hardship," it was appropriate for the Board to deny the application.

"This was not an application for a regular Use Variance for a non-permitted use but rather for a Conditional Use Variance, which is in a case where the use is permitted conditional on certain bulk setbacks being met and not all of those conditions can be met.

"The Municipal Land Use Law clearly states that a regular Use Variance (D1) can only be granted "in particular cases for special reasons." However, a Conditional Use (D3) Variance requires much lighter testimony as the use is already permitted and the variance is really only on the "conditions" and therefore this can be granted with "a showing that such variance or other relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent and the purpose of the zone plan and zoning ordinance."

"Plaintiff argued that it's appropriate for non-age restricted and that it will settle the insurance lawsuit and it will have a positive impact on their insurance. It is unknown if the Board found this to be credible as they did not necessarily address that."

"Even though the Board made arguments now why they denied the application, they didn't write those arguments in the resolution."

As such, Judge Ford remanded the matter back to the Board for them to reconsider the age restriction lifting request, and then vote, either to deny it or approve it, and then adopt a resolution properly setting forth the reasons and justifications for the denial or approval.

In consideration of this decision, as previously reported here on FAA News, back in February 2023 the Board reconsidered the age restriction lifting request, and ultimately, the Board voted, 5-2, to deny the application.

Board Member Moish Lankry offered the motion to deny the application. Board Member Moish Ingber offered the second to the motion.

Mr. Lankry then voted in support of the motion for denial, stating that he believes that there is a shortage of senior housing in this town and therefore retaining the age restriction, as originally approved by the Planning Board, is appropriate. He also stated that waiving the age restriction would lead to increased density which is inappropriate for this site.

Board Member Moish Ingber voted in support of the motion for denial, citing the Municipal Land Use Law, which states in the purpose of the act (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2) that:

It is the intent and purpose of this act:

l. To encourage senior citizen community housing construction; and in fact many of the surrounding housing developments are restricted for senior citizen community housing.

Noting that this site is already approved and zoned for senior housing, and that it is surrounded by senior housing, Mr. Ingber stated that it is appropriate to keep it as it's approved.

Mr. Ingber also stated that the applicant failed to meet the level of proofs required for evaluation of the negative criteria in conditional use variances which is to determine whether, notwithstanding the failure of one of the conditions, the proposal was reconcilable with the zone, as the lifting of the age restriction can not be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent and the purpose of the zone plan and zoning ordinance.

He also stated concerns for kids waiting for their bus on such a busy road.

Board Member Avraham Naftali also voted in support of the motion for denial, stating that this site is adjacent to an existing senior housing development and combining senior housing with non-senior housing is "not a good mix."

Mr. Naftali also emphasized that there is no hardship here on the part of the developer, there is a shortage of senior housing in this town, and that the existing seniors deserve to retain their neighborhood as it is currently designed (with an age restriction).

Board Member Moshe Gleiberman concurred in support of the motion for denial, "specifically more for the safety for kids who will need to walk down to Locust to reach their bus stop."

Board Chairman Abe Halberstam, who said he was previously unsure how he felt about the application, tonight voted in support of the motion for denial saying that "mixing non-age restricted together with senior restricted housing is an issue."

Board members Meir Gelley and Judah Ribiat previously voted in favor of the application. They again voted in favor of the application, saying that it appeared to them that the neighboring seniors were in favor of the application.

(Either way, it appears that at this point the seniors will get what they really want which is to subdivide whatever gets built so it's a separate entity from their existing development (so as to ensure that their insurance premiums do not sky rocket), as the Court-remand did already approve the Subdivision and Site Plan.)

Following this second denial, the developers of Covington Village have now filed a new Complaint in Lieu of Prerogative Writs seeking to overturn the Board's denial.

The suit, filed by Attorney Matthew Fiorovanti Esq. argues that that while Judge Ford's remand did permit the Board to choose either to approve or to deny the Conditional Use Variance application to waive the age restriction, that remand did not permit the Board to dispute the developer's assertions that there was not a market demand for age restricted housing or his assertions that subdividing the new development from the existing development would decrease insurance premiums for the Covington Village homeowners - and therefore, the Board could not deny the application based on such purported “facts.”

Yet, despite this, the Board did rely heavily on the purported “shortage of housing for seniors” as a basis to deny the application.

The 2-count lawsuit alleges that "the Board’s denial of the remanded application for a conditional use variance to waive the age restriction, as memorialized in the Second Resolution, was arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable, and contrary to law. The Board failed to engage in any deliberative fact-finding or perform the required legal analysis to determine whether Plaintiff has satisfied the criteria for the conditional use variance relief under the standard articulated by Judge Ford. Specifically, the Board failed to engage in any analysis whatsoever with regard to whether Plaintiff satisfied the modified positive and negative criteria applicable to a conditional use variance application under the MLUL and governing case law and as specifically found by
Judge Ford. In fact, despite the fact that Judge Ford had explicitly clarified the appropriate standard to be applied by the Board in considering the conditional use variance application, the Board did not cite, let alone properly apply, the governing standard.

"Had the Board properly applied the governing legal standard to the substantial and uncontroverted evidence presented by Plaintiff in support of the Application, the Board should have concluded that Plaintiff has satisfied its right for conditional use variance approval. The Board’s denial of the remanded application for a conditional use variance to waive the age restriction, without providing any factual or legal support or even referencing the applicable standards, and in direct contravention of the substantial and uncontroverted evidence presented by Plaintiff, was arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable, and contrary to law."

In the second count, the lawsuit alleges that "New Jersey law requires that the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the board, acting as a body, must be reduced to writing, separate and apart from the informal verbalizations of the individual board members’ transitory thoughts, and therefore, the Board's second Resolution of Denial "is once again deficient as a matter of law, as it fails to set forth the Board’s findings or facts or conclusions of law in support of the Board’s denial based on the standard set forth by Judge Ford in remanding the application to the Board. The Second Resolution does not cite, let alone explain, how Plaintiff did not satisfy the applicable conditional use variance standard. Instead, like the First Resolution, found to be deficient by Judge Ford, the Second Resolution simply recounts the votes of the members without further explanation."

As a result, the denial of the remanded application for a conditional use variance to waive the age restriction should be vacated in its entirety, and judgment should be entered against Defendant as follows:
a. Reversing the action of the Board denying Plaintiff’s remanded application for a conditional use variance to waive the age restriction;
b. Declaring that the Second Resolution is null and void;
c. Directing the Board to immediately adopt a resolution granting Plaintiff’s application
for a conditional use variance to waive the age restriction in its entirety;
d. For attorney’s fees and costs of suit; and
e. For such other relief as may be just and equitable.

The lawsuit additionally charges that the Board's Resolution fails to comply with Judge Ford's ruling as it acknowledges only the fact that the Superior Court ordered that the prior application for minor subdivision, preliminary and final major site plan and bulk variance approval be approved, yet it fails to formally approve such application. Thus, the Board has failed to comply with the Order for Final Judgment entered by the court.

In a footnote, Mr. Fiorovanti threatens that he reserves the right to file a Motion to Enforce Litigants Rights in that matter.

Zoning Board Attorney Jerry Dasti has not yet answered the Complaint. However, it appears that he agrees with Mr. Fiorovanti's final allegation as, at their recent public hearing, the Board adopted a new Resolution "accepting and concurring with Judge Ford's ruling."

The Board has 35 days to Answer the remainder of the Complaint.

The Board partially lost their first round in court because their attorney failed to write a proper Resolution of Denial.

They may lose their second round in court all because their attorney failed to explain to them that there are different standards of review to apply between a Use Variance and a Conditional Use Variance.

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Simcha Steinberg said...

While taxpayer funded Jerry Dasti did mess things up big time for the Board, Mr. Fiorovanti is also partially playing games.

Fiorovanti is relying heavily on the transcript of Judge Ford's words which says "The plaintiff maintains and it was not disputed that the action was a decrease in
insurance premiums for the Covington Village homeowners and also that there was
not a market demand for age restricted housing and that there was in fact a market
demand for non-age restricted rental housing that needed to be met in the

Fiorovanti is relying heavily on the words "and it was not disputed" to mean that Judge Ford found that indeed there was not a market demand for age restricted housing, and therefore, while the Board did have a right on remand to still deny the application, they could not use a claim that there was indeed a market
demand for non-age restricted rental housing as a basis for denying the application.

However, 2 הערות:

1) From actually listening to the audio recording, I can say that it's very unclear if Judge Ford did actually say the word "and." It appears that Ford actually said the word "that" - meaning that Covington asserted that their testimony was undisputed.

2) Judge Ford actually made it quite clear that she had only 2 problems with the Board's actions, a) they applied the incorrect standard of review, and b) they failed to adopt a proper Resolution of Denial. As such, Her Honor remanded the matter back to the Board to correct these 2 matters.

Ford made it quite clear that the Board could still deny the application, based on the correct standard of review for a Conditional Use Variance. No where in the final order does it say that in choosing their vote, the Board is precluded from considering whether or not there is market demand for senior housing.

In fact, Judge Ford clearly stated:

"Plaintiff argued that it's appropriate for non-age restricted and that it will settle the insurance lawsuit and it will have a positive impact on their insurance. It is unknown if the Board found this to be credible as they did not necessarily address that."

"Even though the Board made arguments now why they denied the application, they didn't write those arguments in the resolution."

In other words, Judge Ford clearly found only that it's unknown whether or not the Board found the developer's assertions that there was no rental market for senior housing to be credible simply because their faulty Resolution failed to address whether or not the Board concurred with that matter.

Additionally, its appropriate to note that case law of Klug v. Bridgewater Tp. Planning Board has established that "for any expert witness, the Board can accept all, some,
or none of the professional’s testimony."

Hence, while Jerry Dasti did fail by not schooling the Board on the proper standard of review, Matthew Fiorovanti is also stretching his imagination and playing some big games here.

Ben J said...

As an insider, I can tell you this is all by design.

All parties here want the approval to go through. They just want it to look like the board’s hand was tied by the judge. Jerry is deliberately not drafting the resolution properly so that the developers can keep on going with it in court until the judge gives them the wanted result.

Norman said...

I find something else troubling about Jerry Dasti's less-than-sterling lawyering.

Why is he trying to hide the fact that there is a recorded deed restriction at the County clerk's office which prohibits a lifting of the age restriction? The only way to lift this age restriction is by making a convincing argument to a court of law. The zoning board has zero authority to remove this deed restriction, and the applicant had an affirmative duty to disclose this fact. Mr. Tajfel and his attorney Fiorovanti are perpetrating an outright fraud against the Board, and Dasti is allowing them to get away with it??

Ben J said...

I take back that point about Jerry, as I can't read his mind, but the general point still stands.