Nearly 16 years since they first promised to do so, Tiferes Bais Yaakov will finally install a sidewalk along their frontage of Bellinger Street!
Back on July 31, 2007, TBY presented to the Planning Board their Site Plan for their school to be constructed at 613 Oak Street.
The application was represented by Attorney Abe Penzer and Engineer Graham MacFarlane.
As shown below, in the Resolution of Approval, they testified that they were proposing curb and sidewalk are proposed along the Oak Street frontage, and not along the then-unimproved Bellinger Street. The Board, however, conditioned the approval that if Bellinger Street does ever get improved, the school will install sidewalk along their frontage of the road.
Since that time, the school was constructed, Bellinger Street was developed, and the school failed to install the sidewalk that they previously agreed to install.
The good news is that now, a sidewalk for this narrow roadway is finally on its way, in conjunction with the school's pool application.
Tiferes has submitted an application to the Planning Board seeking to construct a 40’ X 70’ pool in the rear of their existing building. The plan indicates that the proposed pool would be located almost 60 feet from Bellinger Street.
A private swimming pool is a permitted accessory use in the zone. The proposed appurtenances include concrete decking, a retaining wall, and pool equipment.
Included with the application, which the Board approved on Tuesday night, is a proposed sidewalk along the Bellinger Street frontage, as well as a 5 foot wide sidewalk connection between Bellinger Street and the pool.
As previously reported here on FAA News, TBY installed a sign at this location announcing a future wedding hall will be built here.
Board members asked about this sign, noting that, as reported in the FAA News story, the Township sold the property to TBY with a deed restriction that it is to be used "for educational purposes only," and a wedding hall does not comply with that deed restriction.
In response, Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, a school representative, testified that they are not actually planning on building any new wedding hall there, rather, they put up the sign "because many new homes are being constructed across the road and they wanted to keep the new home buyers in tune with the fact that this is a large school area so anything is possible in the future with this property."
Following this recent story on FAA News highlighting why it's imperative for the Board to expressly stipulate a timeframe for site improvements, and stating that TBY already agreed to install a sidewalk along Bellinger Street in 2007, and they have failed until now to keep this promise, Board members Yair Stern and David Helmreich pressed for a specific timeframe on installation of the sidewalk!
Ultimately, the Board stipulated that the sidewalk needs to be installed right when the construction permits are issued.
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