Bnos Yaakov Elementary School has just closed on the purchase of 20 Cathedral Drive, FAA News has learned.

The school purchased the irregularly shaped, 17,135 sq foot parcel for $650,000. The seller is Hermann Vorhand.

On June 4, 2021, the school purchased the adjoining lot at 18 Cathedral Drive for $300,000. The seller was Ari Goldner. Since that time the school demolished the existing home and turned it into a gravel parking lot.

The neighbors who were upset that a parking lot got plopped down along their long and narrow residential cul-de-sac reported the illegal parking lot to the Township, who in turn ordered the school to submit an application for a Site Plan review for a paved parking lot.

In May 2022, the school did present a Site Plan application to the Planning Board, despite, as illustrated more fully here on FAA News, only the Zoning Board has jurisdiction to approve a parking lot as the principal use of the lot in a residential zoning district. Numerous neighbors opposed the application.

Since that time, the 31 spaces paving work was never completed and the gravel area remains.

With the purchase of this additional lot, the school may use the new space to construct a parking lot for their simcha hall which they vowed to the Planning Board does not exist.

The total fiscal year 2022 property taxes for 18 Cathedral Drive was 4,872.08. The total fiscal year 2022 property taxes for 20 Cathedral Drive was 7,382.28.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let’s see what the future holds since the schools lawyer never committed to not having a hall, just kept saying that there was no plan at that time even though the planning board asked Pfiefer over and over again. It was also supposed to be memorialized that no hall was being permitted as well as no school bus traffic on Cathedral Dr. Of course the school has worked around that since large passenger vans, not buses (as well as many parents) pick up the kids at the end of the school day in front of 22 Cathedral which is owned by the school. Multiple times since the approval of the parking lot the police have been stationed on Cathedral Dr due to school employees and parents speeding on Cathedral and also ignoring the stop sign where Hope Rd terminates on Cathedral. With the new law in place that says no halls in residential zones (the school as well as Cathedral Dr is in a R-13) let’s see what kind of backroom deals will start shaking out of the trees.