A Bais Din comprised of Rav Avrohom Boruch Rosenberg, the Senior Posek in the United States, Rav Gershon Spiegel, a world recognized authority in Choshen Mishpat, and Rav Shmuel Honigswachs, a Dayan in Bais Havaad, has issued a ruling that neighbors of Kollel Kodshim on 12th Street may not oppose the yeshiva's upcoming Planning Board application, FAA News has learned.
The Bais Din expressly specified that one of the neighbors may oppose the yeshiva's Planning Board application specifically because they have an unwell child who allegedly may suffer from the neighboring Yeshiva situated next to their home. However, all others who do not have this specific basis are prohibited from opposing the Planning Board application.
The Bais Din certainly did not grant anyone permission to go to court or to do mesirah.
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First, Rav Forscheimer is the BMG Senior Posek, and he said that neighbors may object to a Township board approval.
Second, Just like Rav Eliyashev paskened that one may sue a doctor, as included in his fee is the insurance coverage, it's no different by any taxpayer has a right to object to a Township Board approval.
Third, this was paskened in Lakewood previously, another so called bais din may not overrule a previous one.
Third, two of those Dayonim are beholden to the Toen Rabbani, as he brings them cases and feeds their piggy bank.
So, there is no Bais Din, No psak....
This BD is full of bs.
A zoning Board has nothing to do with bd if the applicant is asking for a variance and the neighbor would like to object.
It is just as if I would like to convince party a to give me A business deal and party b is asking them not to.
This bd went bonkers
Is this the same place that did all the shtick in Bricktown? The guy in charge really ticked off a lot of the neighbors over there and they could care less about any BD.
Reb Shmuel Kamenetsky said that one that pays taxes may object to a Townships board approval.
If there would be Shiva Tuvei Haiir in Lakewood, they may have a right to not allow a challenge or objection to a board approval.
Till there is Shiva Tuvei haiir voted in by the taxpayers of Lakewood everyone has the full right to object and even challenge their approval.
This psak is what is known as a pshara. It’s definitely not the din.
דובים ולא יער
No Bais Din, No Psak.
I don't understand all the taanos on this BD. They wrote that there was a kabolas kinyan to accept the psak, and signed shtarei berurin.
Is this a serious P'sak?
Since when can a BD paskin honestly without listening to both sides of a dispute?
I'd say this is a complete joke! Sad
It's just like Ahron Barak, the Chief Judge in Israel imposing his personal opinions as if it's the law.
There will be a backlash.
This is not a psak that is for everyone and anywhere in the world. This was for these specific people, for this specific case. They signed a shtar brurin, bais din heard both sides, and released a psak. Not sure why there is an outcry.
Just shows how stupid all the commentors are here.
Saying that we can not prevent one or both of the sides from doing something isn't really a psak halacha
Read the P'sak carefully. It does not say that anyone cannot oppose the Yeshiva. All it says is that we cannot stop the Handicap family from opposing. It did not address other people who signed onto the Sh'tar B'rurin. It stopped monetary claims!
It does mot prohibited anybody from doing anything.
R Avrohom Boruch Rosenberg, the Senior Posek in the United States
Hmmm, im in my mid fifties, how come i never heard of this senior Posek in the united states?
However, all others who do not have this specific basis are **prohibited** from opposing the Planning Board application.
Where in the psak does it say that ????????
Who is this Rabbi Rosenberg? I never heard his name before..
Talk about misleading. Expressly does not prohibit any neighbor from anything.
R Rosenberg and Spiegel are not even close to dayanim, Rav Honigwachs is, but mostly knows gitten and although he is tremendous Talmid chochom this is not his area. Additionally this is not a psak from beis din nor is it legally binding and I highly doubt halacha either . Spiegel is a Toen and is far from a Dayan . The beis din system should be completely shut down and started from scratch as current system is joke . There is no higher authority they each operate on their own , there is zero appeals process . Its just a complete Train wreck ( and their backed up for months )
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