A Lakewood resident has filed a federal lawsuit against the Township's Police Department over their refusal to grant him a gun license, FAA News has learned.

The resident, Nelson Mawalla, is appealing the police department's decision to the U.S. District Court of New Jersey, which is located in Trenton.

"The police department told me that my application was withdrawn. This is not true. I never withdrew my application. I want to know what's going on here. I am a very responsible citizen of the USA and the Constitution does not limit how many guns that responsible citizens can own or buy," the Andrew's Corner resident, who is self-represented, wrote to the court.

Mawalla added that he agrees to all protocol of gun ownership and that he does not have any criminal record which would make him not qualified to own a gun under the Constitution. Additionally, he noted that the TSA granted him pre-check, so, on the same basis, the Lakewood Police Department should have granted him a gun license.

The Township has not yet responded to the lawsuit.

Public records indicate that the Police Department denied his application because Mr. Mawalla's background check appeared to indicate that he previously pleaded guilty to a weapons offense. However, Mawalla insists that "that was 18 years ago and he was only indicted and then the charge was reduced to 3 years of Court-ordered community supervision."

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1 comment:

001 said...

I’m very happy that someone is suing them regarding this matter as the LPD is notorious with gun applications.