There are two vacancies on Jackson Township's Zoning Board. There is also one Board member who was swiftly and quietly slipped in by the Township Council, yet he has failed to actually show up to Board meetings.

All of these issues have led to a recent Zoning Board's meeting - which had a packed agenda - to be cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

The Jackson Township Council on Tuesday evening appointed Shira Parnes and Rob Hudak to fill these Zoning Board vacancies.

There are several frum community members on the Township's Planning Board. However, Mrs. Parnes is the first ever frum resident to be appointed to the Zoning Board.

Tonight's appointments were unanimous and with no bickering, unlike what occurred at previous Council meetings regarding the topic of Zoning Board vacancies.

Two meetings ago, an item was placed on the agenda to appoint Rob Hudak to the Zoning Board. Council members Jennifer Kuhn and Scott Sargent - who are close allies of Mayor Mike Reina - vehemently opposed appointing Mr. Hudak, ultimately leading to the agenda item being tabled with no vote.

As previously reported here on FAA News, at the last Council meeting, Ms. Kuhn spoke passionately regarding the issue of the Zoning Board vacancies. Specifically, she highlighted glaring lack of transparency in the Township regarding applications for membership on the Zoning Board.

Ms. Kuhn then offered a motion to appoint Mrs. Parnes to the Board. That motion was denied by Council President Stephen Chisholm and his co-hort Martin Flemming.

Since that time, it appears that some work has been done on unifying the Township's leadership, as tonight, with absolutely no bickering at all, the Council unanimously approved the appointment of both Mrs. Parnes and Mr. Hudak.

Prior to voting on the matter, Ms. Kuhn again emphasized the importance of transparency for our residents regarding the application process for membership on the Zoning Board.

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