Avrohom Schubert, Eli Eisenbach, and Yoni Morgenstern are running together for membership to the Lakewood Board of Education.

Their slogan is "Fixing the Formula."

School board members do not receive a salary to serve.

R' Aron Lang, a veteran teacher who has selflessly expended many efforts on behalf of funding for bussing for all of Lakewood's students - and whose efforts have, oddly, been rebuffed by the current Board of Education - had called for new candidates to run for the positions.

"The BOE is supposed to oversee those whom they pay. In Lakewood, someone they pay oversees the BOE," stated R' Lang.

The fresh slate of candidates have launched a GoFundMe campaign here.

Their campaign highlights their unwavering support for R' Lang.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7.

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1 comment:

Yudel Shain said...

Don't vote for yehuda Shain, I pulled out of the election, I felt that the group backing Aron Lang are the ones that can make the changes we desperately need.