The Jackson Township Council on Tuesday night formally approved a new Board of Directors for the Harmony Farms Homeowners Association.

The new board members are Ty Jones, Shalom Ohayon, Chaim Yossi Kaufman, Avraham Sharaby, and Nathan Weiss.

The new board will replace Mr. Sal Caso, owner of U.B.E Inc, who was appointed years ago to serve as Trustee of Harmony Farms.

The homeowners association of Harmony Farms was created by the original developers back in 1986. It incorporated approximately 180 lots.

At the time, the original developers collected the HOA fees and maintained the common areas.

Paragraph 3.02 of the bylaws states "if the Initial Trustee... ceases to exist... a Successor Trustee may be designated by the governing body of Jackson Township."

During construction of the homes, the association of Harmony Farms went bankrupt and ceased to exist. Pursuant to the bylaws, Township Council designated Mr. Sal Caso, owner of U.B.E Inc, as the manager of the association of Harmony Farms.

Fast forward to March 2022. New homeowners got together to set up an election to elect a new board (effectively to seize control from Mr. Caso).

Thus began a treacherous path for the homeowners who received Cease and Desist letters from Mr. Caso threatening them with legal action if they continue with there efforts to hold an election.

In the beginning of the month of September 2023, election ballots were distributed to all homeowners of Harmony Farms.

On October 17, 2023, the vote was counted and the new board had its first meeting. All homeowners were properly noticed of this first meeting. The meeting was open to the public and was recorded and posted online.

On October 30, 2023, Mr. Caso responded with more letters claiming that the election the residents of Harmony Farms held was illegal.

As previously reported here on FAA News, in November 2023, the homeowners filed a lawsuit in New Jersey Superior Court in Ocean County, seeking a court order granting them the reigns.

Unfortunately, earlier this year,  Judge James Den Uyl dismissed the case. However, something good came out from the litigation process.

Astute homeowners noted that the Township's resolution designating U.B.E Inc. came with a 3 year term limit. Obviously, since that term ended the reigns were never taken away from U.B.E.

Accordingly, the homeowners turned to the Council and requested that they appoint the new Board as the new Trustee.

The Council agreed. 

Tonight, the Council formally approved a new Board of Directors for the Harmony Farms Homeowners Association.

The new board members are Ty Jones, Shalom Ohayon, Chaim Yossi Kaufman, Avraham Sharaby, and Nathan Weiss.

Mazel Tov!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baruch shptoronu.