Lakewood Township’s Planning Board this week granted Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval for a new shul for Sharei Tefila in Oak and Vine.

Application # SP-2577 sought approval to construct a new three-story building consisting of a synagogue with a finished basement and a residence on the third floor, while keeping a one-story trailer on the site.

The architectural plans depict a simcha hall of roughly 1,900 sq feet. The Board restricted its use for Shabbos only.

The Board granted numerous design waivers and variances, including for parking - something the Board rarely grants.

The shul has frontage along Turin Avenue. The improved portion of Turin Avenue terminates about 60 feet from Argyle Avenue. The project proposes to extend Turin Avenue, though not all the way to Argyle Avenue. In addition, the propose to vacate a portion of the Argyle Avenue right-of-way instead of paving the road.

Pertinently, the proposed pavement width of the Turin Avenue extension will be only 20 feet - instead of the 32 feet standard in Lakewood. Their Traffic Circulation Plan shows only a passenger vehicular capable of negotiating the proposed turnaround. The Board of Fire Commissioners approved this minimal road width so the Planning Board did not protest the matter.

In addition, the application sought a submission waiver from providing an Environmental Impact Statement. The Board Engineer noted that a CAFRA Jurisdictional Determination or Permit Modification will be required for this project.

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