As previously reported here on FAA News (https://www.faanews.com/2022/06/school-wants-to-get-banquet-hall.html), the developers of Bnos Esther Malka - which is located on Old Whitesville Road across from Westgate - has submitted a request to Lakewood Township's Planning Board to add 32 parking spaces and be permitted to rent out their 3,287 square feet banquet hall during the week.

The developers of Bnos Esther Malka originally submitted this request to be approved as "correspondence" which does not require public notice to the neighbors or an opportunity for the neighbors to speak up at the public hearing regarding the application.

Bnos Esther Malka is in a busy area across from Westgate and a nightly Simcha Hall may bring a quite significant impact to the neighborhood. As such, it just doesn't seem fair to smuggle in this use under cover of a correspondence item.

Following this exposure, we are happy to report good news! Attorney Adam Pfeffer on behalf of Bnos Esther Malka today published a legal notice in the Asbury Park Press notifying the public of this application, and notifying that members of the public will indeed be permitted to speak up at the public hearing which is scheduled for 6:00pm on July 12 at Town Hall.

Presumably the property owners within 200 feet will also receive a legal notice about this public hearing.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 12 day of July, 2022 the Lakewood Township Planning Board will hold a hearing on the application of Bnos Esther Malka. at which time and place all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. Applicant is seeking approval of property known as Block 251, Lots 21 & 1.03 to erect a new parking area with 32 parking spaces to allow the rental of the basement during the week. The part of the basement used for rental consists of 3,287 square feet. The previous Resolution under SP#2122 approved the basement but restricted the rental during the regular week. Applicant is seeking to remove said restriction by adding the new parking area which would now have a total of 74 parking spaces. Said application shall also include a request for any and all other variances and/or waivers that may be required by submission and discussion of the plan. The aforesaid application has been scheduled for a public hearing before the Lakewood Township Planing Board on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey at 6:00 pm or as soon thereafter as possible. PUBLIC ACCESS TO APPLICATION FILES All Application files can be viewed by visiting www.lakewoodnj.gov/departments/planning and clicking the link for "Planning Board Applications and Plans." The full direct link is: https://lakewoodnjmy.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/amorris_lakewoodnj_gov/EgV3AAKO6rFLqm9FnUM W0LIBF8FNGKj11hXcJ9eDoqKUuA?e=X4x88e Members of the public who do not have internet access should contact the Board Secretary via telephone. All questions, comments, and submittals should be directed to the Board Secretary, Monday through Friday during the hours of 8AM to 4PM. Ally Morris, Planning Board Secretary (732) 364-2500 extension 5238 amorris@lakewoodnj.gov The application, maps and supporting documents are on file in the Lakewood Township Planning Board office 212 Fourth Street, Lakewood, New Jersey. 

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