The Lakewood Industrial Commission (LIC) which oversees the Lakewood Industrial Parks and acts as a business community ombudsman on behalf of the township, will be improving the economic growth of the industrial park by repaving several of its roadways.

The LIC recently awarded a contract in the amount of $181,500 to Colliers Engineering and Design of Red Bank, New Jersey for the design, permitting, construction documents and construction administration/inspection services for milling and repaving the following roadways:

Airport Road from the GSP ramp to Route 70

Paco Way from Oak Street to the Renaissance property line

Corporate Road West from Towbin Avenue to Paco Way

Once the design work is complete, the paving work will be bid out and the lowest responsive and qualified bidder will receive the contract.

In previous years, the Township was able to repave industrial park roads through state grants and shared services agreements with Ocean County which permit the work to get done at a significantly lower cost. Currently, however, these funding sources are unavailable to the Township so the LIC decided to use their own funds, which come mainly from industrial park land sales, to cover this repaving work.

The LIC resolution of contract award states:

"Whereas, the LIC is statutorily charged with, among other things, promoting the economic well-being, industrial and economic development of the Township, and it has been determined that these industrial park roadways are in need of significant repair, the commissioners of the LIC are supportive of ascertaining the completion of vital repairs which includes milling and repaving of aged industrial parkway roadways to provide safe travels to and from industrial park businesses."

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Anonymous said...

Will the LIC also pay for widening the roadways due to the expected traffic impact from all the new banquet halls which the committee is working to legalize in every corner of Lakewood?

Chaim Yutz said...


Actually, the LIC became very yeshivish. They don't want to get involved in מחלוקת or "politics" with the Township Committee, therefore they "aren't taking any sides".

Unfortunately for the LIC, numerous members of the public sent in public comment emails during their meeting begging them to take a stand and get involved.

Luckily, no worries about that slight issue because they came up with baloney excuses to be able to ignore all public comments.

Phew! They dodged a bullet on that one!