This coming Monday, March 27, Jackson Township's Planning Board is set to consider an application submitted by WB Ocean 26, LLC to construct 3 high schools at the intersection of Farmingdale Road with Pfister Road, near I-195.
Per the plans submitted, the schools are anticipated to have a capacity of 522 students.
The Site Plan depicts separate driveways for each building which will have 2-stories plus a basement.
A total of 232 off-street parking spaces will be provided across the 3 separate driveways. This exceeds the 174 spaces required under Jackson's zoning ordinances which require 1 space per 3 high school students.
Each school driveway will have its own circular bus lane and loading/unloading area in front of each building.
It appears that sidewalk is proposed along the roadway frontage and around each of the school buildings.
Schools are permitted in this zoning district.
The application seeks design waivers with respect to: (i) parking within the front yard; (ii) minimum number of plantings on safety islands; (iii) minimum distance of an entrance drive from the street right-of-way; (iv) minimum distance of an exit drive from the street curb; (v) landscaping of dividing strip; (vi) variety of plant selection in landscaping plan; (vii) buffer area along front property lines of not less than ten feet on local minor and major collector streets; (viii) supplementation of trees or native vegetation within a screening area; and (ix) minimum of six shade trees per acre of lot area.
Public records obtained by FAA News indicate that WB Ocean 26, LLC purchased the property in a 2017 foreclosure sale for $283,000.
The public hearing will be held this Monday, March 27, 2023 beginning at 7:30pm, at the Municipal Building, 95 West Veterans Highway, Jackson, NJ 08527.
The meeting is open to the public. Members of the public may support or oppose the application during the public comment portion and may cross examine each of the witnesses at the end of their individual presentations.
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