Despite numerous applications having been submitted before his, Raymond Lovacco was previously appointed as an alternate member of the Jackson Zoning Board just 5 days after submitting his application. (Alternate members only vote when a regular member is absent).

Now, the Council is ready to give him the boot due to being a no-show.

State law permits governing bodies to declare a Zoning Board seat to be vacant if the member misses 4 consecutive regular meetings, if the absences are not excused.

Mr. Lovacco has missed 12 consecutive regular board meetings. He did not request any of the absences to be excused. In addition, when asked as to if and when he would return to the Board, he was nonresponsive.

Accordingly, the Township Council is set today to formally declare Mr. Lovacco's seat to be vacated.

When the last Zoning Board seat was vacated, the Council appointed Shira Parnes to fill the position. Ms. Parnes is the Board's first frum member.

It remains to be seen who the Council will appoint to fill Mr. Lovacco's seat.

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