Seems that a history lesson is in order!

At the Jackson Township Council's annual reorganization meeting last week, newly appointed Council President Jennifer Kuhn and her recently "raised up" sidekick Mordy Burnstein kicked Clara Glory off the Municipal Utilities Authority and replaced her with Richard Egan.

When questioned by the newly found opposition council members as to why Glory was being replaced, Mr. Burnstein insisted that it was simply because he "spoke with Glory who informed him that she will likely move out of town within the next 5 years, and they felt that the seat should be filled by someone who intended to keep the seat for the entire 5 year term."

Richard Egan is a former member of the Jackson Planning Board and the Environmental Commission. He resigned after he and two other Jackson officials had attended a private meeting of CUPON, a group opposed to development, calling into question his impartiality in hearing board applications.

As shown in the screenshots below, Egan is also prominently mentioned in the federal lawsuit filed by Jackson Trails.

According to the lawsuit, while still on the Planning Board, Egan posted the following comments on Facebook: The Four Beards of the Apocalypse. Just giveum a good scare! ("Beards" refers to Orthodox Jewish individuals).

At the first CUPON meeting, Mr. Egan openly acknowledged that it was inappropriate for him to be there, and he stated, "we didn't sign in... like we're invisible!"

Also at the meeting, Mr. Egan spoke derogatorily about the Jackson Trails application, saying, "they're going to have... magic wires, the whole thing!"

At a subsequent CUPON meeting regarding the proposed Jackson Trails application, Mr. Egan stated "this is how you destroy a town!"

At another CUPON meeting regarding the Jackson Parke application, Mr. Egan warned fellow Jackson residents, "pristine forest, never touched by man. If they lock in two big projects, they'll have a voting block for a school election where they'll get people - their people - on the school board. You think you see for sale signs now in Jackson, just wait..."

Has our newly crowned Councilman forgotten history?

Why did he reinstate Richard Ergan - of all people - to a political appointment, especially one that controls which land use applications receive water and sewer approval??

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david beyda said...

oy - in politics allllllllllll is ok. you switch sides in a beat.

Anonymous said...

Jackson is becoming verrrrrrry shady