The number of pedestrians struck in Lakewood Township in December increased considerably from November.

As previously reported here on FAA News, back in May 2023, Mayor Coles had no answer to Central Avenue resident Avi Gordon who questioned why traffic safety isn't taken into consideration as more and more construction is approved.

December 2023

Total crashes 488

Overturned vehicles 1

Pedestrian struck 18

No injuries 372

Crashes with injuries 48

Hit and run with no injuries 36

Hit and run with injuries 4

DWI with no injuries 4

DWI with injuries 2

Vehicles into building 2

Police vehicle 1

November 2023

Total crashes 515

Fatalities 1

Overturned vehicles 5

Pedestrian struck 12

No injuries 364

Crashes with injuries 59

Hit and Run with no injuries 61

Hit and Run with injuries 2

DWI with no injuries 5

DWI with injuries 2

Vehicles into building 3

Police vehicle 1

Total for 2023 to date

Total Crashes 5,498

Pedestrians struck 199 (an average of 3.83 per week)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With the monthly increase of pedestrians struck, I can't imagine how the Zoning or Planning Boards approve any more new houses right next to highways?

A pedestrian who is struck has almost no chance of surviving the impact of the car on their body.

Do these boards believe building houses for kids on highways reduces pedestrians getting struck or C'v more victims in Lakewood?

Yom HaDin comes for everyone, careful what is allowed to be put next to highways, you will have to answer for this!

There are no fake excuses accepted up there, please don't fool yourselves,