Notice that year after year the same politicians keep getting reelected thanks in part to media frenzied election campaigns?

Also notice that year after year the politicians reappoint the same attorneys, engineers, and planners they urgently rely on to cover their tracks when the going gets tough?

The two are actually very related.

In fact, one hand washes the other. 

Election fundraising filings obtained by FAA News reveal that Jackson Township Councilman Mordy Burnstein and his running mates raised $70,000 for their massive campaign.

As listed in the photos below, most of that money came from the Township's attorneys, engineers, and planners, such as Gregory McGuckin's firm, Jean Cipriani's firm, Bob Shea's firm, Owen Little & Associates, Remington and Vernick Engineers, T&M Associates, Colliers Engineering, and Morgan Engineering.

And so.... that's how the story goes.

The politicians need to raise funds somehow in order to get the sheep out to the ballot box. Once they get into office they need some people to cover for them and take the blows when they do complicated things like sneak in major zone changes. Their professionals want to retain their six-figure salaries. 

Everyone cheerfully washes each other's hands... after using their dry hands to deepen their own pockets.

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Anonymous said...

Your shining a light on super corrupt jackson. It's like turning over a rock to see the insects underneath.

Anonymous said...

I’m curious how much BMG controls in Jackson. I’ve heard they own a lot of land, but I haven’t verified that. I’m sure they would like to have the same control that they have in Lakewood. FYI Ben Heinemenn, the Lakewood Vaad guy, has a son Moe Heinemann that’s very active in Jackson politics. He has donated to Mordy Burnstein too.

Anonymous said...

IMO Jackson politicians are all a bunch of scumbags, they ruined this once beautiful town. Karma will get them, don't worry it always does.