To much applause from the large crowd in attendance on Monday night at Lakewood Township Zoning Board of Adjustment's public hearing, the Board overwhelmingly frowned upon two applications to add nearly 350 cars to Prospect Street traffic.

Developer, Jonathan Rubin has submitted Appeal ZB No. 4325 to the Zoning Board seeking to construct up to 66 duplex homes plus 66 basement apartments at the 6.38 acres site at 1501 Prospect Street, the existing Cambridge Pavers site.

Neighbors of the proposal have retained Attorney Joseph Michelini Esq. to represent their vehement opposition to the application.

In addition, SK Prospect Cross Lakewood, LLC has filed an application to the Board seeking Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision approval together with use and bulk variance relief to construct 8 duplex structures to contain 16 duplex dwelling units (plus 16 basement apartments) and one single family dwelling unit, for a total of 34 families on a 3.01 acres parcel adjacent to Prospect Heights.

The proposed uses are not permitted in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone, therefore use variance relief from the Zoning Board of Adjustment is required.

The Lakewood Fire District has reviewed the application and is requiring that 2 off-street parking spaces be removed to provide a minimum 20-foot wide access road (per NJFC 503.2.1) and that an additional Fire Hydrant be provided at the corner of Prospect Street and the new development.

Additionally, the Board Engineer has noted that proposed number of dwellings and layout as depicted on the Subdivision Plans provides for minimal off-street parking areas along the cul-de-sac, and parking will be also prohibited along the Cross Street frontage.

Together these applications could add nearly 350 cars to Prospect Street traffic.

The Board only had 6 members in attendance. Attorney Adam Pfeffer suggested adjourning the public hearing until a future night when 7 members are present as that would make it easier to secure the 5 affirmative votes necessary for a use variance. Instead the Board elected to proceed and hold the hearing but not actually vote until a future night when 7 members are present.

Ultimately, after hearing concerns from many neighbors, the Board unanimously voiced displeasure with both applications, calling them "too dense." Additionally, the Board frowned upon Engineer Brian Flannery's difficulty in attempting to state how the properties are "particularly suited for the uses which are proposed" (as is required by the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law.

The Board will hold a formal vote on the applications at their next meeting in March.

These proposals come as a separate application is pending before the Planning Board for 74 homes plus 74 basement apartments at Prospect Street and Massachusetts Avenue.

All together, approvals of these applications could add 600 cars onto the existing Prospect Street traffic.

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