Citing high demand for its services, Lakewood Township officials are expanding the Township's shuttle bus service with the purchase of 8 more buses.

As previously reported here on FAA News, citing the service's continued use, the Lakewood Development Corporation previously consented to soliciting bids for additional buses for the Township's shuttle bus service.

Township Manager Patrick Donnelly stated that the buses have had over 100,000 riders over the past year or so, which is a sharp increase from back when the service first began.

LDC Board Member Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg noted that the buses are primarily used by women going shopping along with their children. He stated that the current buses were not designed to accommodate shopping carts and strollers. He suggested that the Township look to purchase buses with this design in mind.

Mr. Donnelly responded that they will definitely look for bigger buses with wider aisles, double doors, and ADA-compliant ramps.

Following receipt of bids for their proposal, the LDC has now authorized spending $1,680,000.00 for the purchase of 3 new buses ($460,000 each) and 5 used buses ($50,000 each), and appropriating $50,000 for repairs.

As previously reported here on FAA News, the LDC has awarded an annual $75,000 to Lipa Klein of CARES for the Shuttle Bus Liaison position.

Mr. Klein told the LDC, "the best thing that a business can receive is more customers. Buses make it more efficient for local residents to shop local. The more we can invest and expand, the more our local businesses will flourish. Buses also help get cars off the busy roads."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolute hogwash. Buses always empty. These buses are for chassidim that don't drive only. Waste of money.