As previously reported here on FAA News, 60 tenants of Prime Apartment tenants, represented by Attorney Ian Goldman Esq., have served their landlord and his property manager with a Superior Court lawsuit alleging a long list of illegal rent increases and associated harassment, intimidation and retaliation.
Following the filing of this lawsuit, as previously reported here on FAA News, Cheskel Brach, the landlord of Prime Apartments, served the tenants with a Hasra'ah (a warning) from the Bais Din of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada (the CRC).
Additionally, as previously reported here on FAA News, Bais Din Zedek which is under the auspicies of Rav Yisroel Knopfler, has also authored a Hasra'ah against the tenants.
FAA News has learned that prior to commencing their legal action, the tenants were offered a settlement in Bais Havaad of Lakewood. The tenants refused this settlement offer.
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R' Forcheimer did not approve of this settlement offer. The Bais Havaad put his name on it without his permission. The Rav was very upset that they put his name on here without permission. The Rav wrote a letter to the tenants that all he had said was if you plan on moving anyways within the year than you should agree to option 1. However, the landlord was only agreeing to settle if 50% of the building would agree, which obviously couldn't happen. So this was not considered a settlement and was all just in the landlords favor.
FAA should stop posting all their false information creating false roomers!
FAA clearly has a specific agenda in this matter.
This site is great with all its other reporting and really helps us all become a truly informed citizenry. But when it comes to this specific issue, I'm not relying on whatever FAA decides to post.
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