Multiple botei dinim have issued siruvin against additional tenants of Prime Apartments in Lakewood - indicating the seriousness of the mesirah.

Beis Din Zedek of Lakewood has also issued cease and desist orders against additional tenants.

The landlord has extended numerous attempts to adjudicate the tenants' concerns in Bais Din, however the tenants refuse to go to Bais Din.

Siruvim have been issued against Ezra Esses, Chezky Feigenbaum, Yehoshua Finkel, Yehoshua and Chana Gellis, Yaakov Glustein, James and Perel Holtzberg, Abraham and Chana Leibiker, Steven Meisels, Yisrael Mordowitz, Nochum Naiman, Mordechai and Leah Reis, Dov and Noemi Rosenman, and Chaim Schwab.

Cease and Desist orders have been issued against Yisroel Meir and Brocha Friedman, Yehuda and Yehudis Marcus, Yisrael and Sara Mordowitz, Yosef and Zizi Simon, and Alexander and Sara Sternbuch.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The more "Siruvim", etc that are put out on multiple people, cheapens the effect intended by issuing a siruv.

It may soon become an item on a resume, indicating he's not a push-over.